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Adult Dual Diagnosis Intensive Outpatient (IOP)

Adult Dual Diagnosis Intensive Outpatient (IOP)

Adult Dual Diagnosis IOP

Our Adult Dual Diagnosis Intensive Outpatient (IOP) treatment is held every Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The program is structured, but is not as intensive as an inpatient program, allowing patients to attend work or school and fulfill other daily responsibilities while receiving treatment.

Evidence-based treatment includes:

  • Living in Balance
  • The Matrix Model
  • TCU Mapping -Enhanced Counseling
  • Seeking Safety
  • 12-Step based daily meditation readings

Lincoln Trail Behavioral Health Outpatient Center
7260 N. Dixie Highway
Radcliff, KY 40160

For more information or to make a referral, please call 270-982-9495.