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Female Military Sexual Trauma Track

Female Military Sexual Trauma Track

Female Military Sexual Trauma Track

Lincoln Trail Behavioral Health System’s Female Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Track is open to active-duty service members, National Guard and veterans who have experienced a sexual assault.

Military sexual trauma can happen to anyone and can occur at any time or place. A service member can experience MST when they’re off duty, deployed or on or off base. Military sexual trauma leaves many survivors feeling alone and as if they’re the only ones to experience such trauma. However, many service members and veterans from all ranks, branches and eras of service have experienced military sexual trauma and we’re here to help.

Our co-ed inpatient track is for female service members that have endured sexual trauma or sexual harassment that occurred during military service. The track provides a structured, integrated approach to healing by utilizing evidence-based treatment modalities tailored to provide the unique care that service members and veterans need.

Our multidisciplinary treatment team of mental health professionals has a deep understanding and appreciation of the military culture, as many have grown up in our military-minded community, have family and friends who have served or have honorably served themselves.

Military Sexual Trauma Treatment Options

Our comprehensive track includes:

  • Individualized treatment programming for mental health or substance use to include dual diagnosis
  • Comprehensive psychiatric evaluation by board certified psychiatrist
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Eye Movement Desensitization (EMDR)
  • Trauma Informed Care
  • Comprehensive PTSD treatment with a bio/psycho/social focus
  • Twice weekly one-on-one therapy with therapist
  • Trauma and skills groups offered daily
  • Trauma–informed pottery making
  • Equine therapy (weather permitting)
  • Recreational therapy
  • Weekly medical provider visits
  • Structured fitness
  • Individualized Dietician consultation

To start on your road to healing or to make a referral please call us at 270-351-9444.  We are available 24 hours a day seven days a week.